How to apply for redress

What do I do and how does the application process work?

  1. Learn more about the Scheme and consider whether redress or a civil claim is the best option.
  2. Fill in and submit an application online or on paper. Support and assistance is available through Redress Support Services.
  3. An Independent Decision Maker considers the application.
  4. If an offer is made, people can accept the offer or ask for a review.
  5. Applicants have 6 months to make a decision about their offer.

You can apply by contacting the National Redress Scheme. Visit the National Redress Scheme website or call the National Redress Scheme information line on 1800 737 377 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm).

When do applications close?

The Queensland Government started participating in the Scheme on 19 November 2018.

Applications must be made between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2027.

Can someone help me to complete my application?

Free and confidential Redress Support Services are available to help you. These services can help you understand the Scheme, talk about your feelings, and guide you through the application process.

Redress Support Services can:

  • be someone to talk to,
  • give you information about the Scheme and answer your questions,
  • help you fill out an application or actually fill out an application for you, and
  • help you understand your redress outcome.

Can I seek legal advice?

The knowmore legal service can help anyone who is considering applying for the Scheme. It is free, confidential and independent.

For more information contact knowmore on 1800 605 762 or visit their website.

Alternatively, you may want to use your own legal service to obtain advice and assistance. This may not be free.

What happens after I apply?

When the National Redress Scheme receives your application, a team member will call you to let you know they have it. At that time, they may also ask you for more information if they need it.

An Independent Decision Maker will consider your application for redress. The assessment may take some time to complete. You might like to think about who could provide you with some support if you need it. This could be someone you already know and trust or Redress Support Services can help.

Receiving the Offer Letter

The National Redress Scheme will call you and send you a letter about the outcome of your application. You will receive an offer letter if your application for redress is approved. You may accept or decline the offer and you have 6 months to make a decision.

If you do not agree with the outcome, you can request a review. You need to apply for a review within 6 months of the date of the letter explaining the outcome.

For more information visit the National Redress Scheme website.